We are excited to meet with our local community in Edwinstowe and the surrounding villages to share our vision for Thoresby Vale Primary Academy and provide key information.

We are holding two sessions on Thursday 17 October starting at 2pm and 5pm (refreshments 15 minutes prior).

These sessions will take place at Edwinstowe House, High Street, Edwinstowe, NG21 9PR.

Whilst we would very much like to invite you into the new school, the academy is still under construction and we hope to offer tours of the new building in the future.

If you would like to express an interest in attending, please complete our attendance form.

Here’s what our meeting will cover:

  • An update on the progress of the new academy.
  • Introductions to the Thoresby Vale Primary Academy team.
  • Our vision for the academy.
  • The admissions process – how to apply, and what happens next.
  • A chance for you to share what you’d like to see from the academy – not just as a school, but as a community hub for the new housing development.
  • Future events and how to stay informed.


If you cannot attend the meeting, you can still get all the information you need by contacting Thoresby Vale Primary Academy team.

We look forward to meeting you and hearing your thoughts.